Buying gifts can be expensive so in this blog we decided to help you with gifting on a budget. Any upcoming birthdays or events can be a stressful time for many people, but for those struggling with the cost of living crisis, it can be even more challenging. With wages failing to keep up with …
The holiday season is upon us, which can only mean one thing – it’s the last day to place orders for Christmas! Royal Mail strikes have not made things easy this year. We fully understand why they are doing it but don’t enjoy the headache. We have used couriers to get parcels out on time …
Happy Halloween everyone and let the countdown begin! Plus, we try to save you some money, read on to find our top tips for energy saving that will really work, we do them. It has to be our favourite holiday here at Elles Belles. The spooky vibes all around and the clocks have changed making …
As we move into Autumn did you all have a good summer? How amazing was the weather! It was a little hot at times there is no denying that but it has been great to be able to get outside and enjoy the wonderful things we have right on our doorstep. What we’ve been up …
So it’s been a little while! As you may have noticed, and if you follow our social media will already know, we have changed our name slightly. We are now Emporium rather than Occasions. This just makes more sense as we sell to you lovely people all the time for any reason not just an …
So a New Year is upon us already! Happy 2022 to you all. We hope you had an amazing Christmas and New year and got lots of lovely gifts. The most important thing. We hope you got to spend some quality time with your loved ones. Family & friends. As we venture into January the …
As the TV and internet explodes with Black Friday Deals we have joined in this year too. Hopefully you find yourselves a bargain gift for someone you love. Maybe you’ve treated yourself. One lovely customer does buy for herself aswell as others. The Christmas countdown is on and most businesses have released their collections, adverts …
So it’s Halloween season and then Bonfire night. Loving the new silent fireworks on the market. Our family do love the bangs and whizzes but do understand that loads of people and animals do not. We still love the colours and the lights in the sky. We have been working on the Christmas collection. There …
Simple Quality Gifts is what we do! Do you want something simple, good quality and makes them smile? It’s not always about an expensive, extravagant gift, is it? I know I’m not always wanting to spend a fortune. You don’t always want to be breaking the bank to get your loved ones something nice. And …
So it’s Father’s Day and we hope all the amazing Dads out there are having a great day! Team Changes Things move quickly in the online world and keeping up is an always-changing forever learning curve. The team here at Elles Belles has changed over the last couple of months too and it is now …